Thursday, October 8, 2009

Bike Lanes.

Here's a map DDOT puts out of DC's bike lanes. This is a pretty good resource for someone planning their commute. In reality though, DC's bike lanes are pretty meh. They seem to start and stop at random points, and bike lanes that actually cut across town are few and far in between. I think they should bike lane-etize more of the state streets. Many of those are how people actually travel across town or come into the city. Bike lanes on some of these artery streets would make it safer for the people that brave them every day and encourage more to do the same.

My Top Candidates:
Rhode Island Ave
Florida Ave
Massachusetts Ave
Maryland Ave
Pennsylvania Ave

DC needs more bike lanes, and not just bullshit ones like on New Jersey Ave by Capitol South metro. That things like 4 feet long.

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